FAQ よくある質問

FAQ TOP > Game Functions

What are the differences in how School Idol Radiance, School Idol Wish, and School Idol Sparkle are used?

These items are used to perform Limit Increases on school idols. The amounts listed below are the number needed for one Limit Increase.

– School Idol Radiances needed to perform a Limit Increase
・R school idols: 5
・SR school idols: 25
・UR school idols: 125

– School Idol Wishes needed to perform a Limit Increase
・R school idols: 2
・SR school idols: 10
・UR school idols: 30

– School Idol Sparkles needed to perform a Limit Increase
・R school idols: 5
・SR school idols: 20
・UR school idols: 60

School Idol Sparkle expires after a certain period of time has passed. Expired School Idol Sparkle is converted into School Idol Radiance.