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What should I do to have my All Stars Pass carry over when transferring the game to a device with a different OS?

In order to transfer your game data between differing OSes, please unsubscribe from the All Stars Pass purchased through your current platform and store ID and then re-subscribe through the platform and store ID that you will use to pay in the future.

– From Android to iOS
1. Transfer data to your iOS device by contacting our support team with a data recovery request.
2. Start up the app on your iOS device and confirm that your All Stars play data has been transferred correctly.
3. End your All Stars Pass subscription through the Google Play Store.
4. After your subscription has expired with the Google Play Store, re-subscribe for an All Stars Pass through the App Store within the 10-day grace period.

– From iOS to Android
1. Transfer data to your Android device by contacting our support team with a data recovery request.
2. Start up the app on your Android device and confirm that your All Stars play data has been transferred correctly.
3. End your All Stars Pass subscription through the App Store.
4. After your subscription has expired with the App Store, re-subscribe for an All Stars Pass through the Google Play Store within the 10-day grace period.

Again, after you have ended the All Stars Pass subscription linked to your previous OS, you will enter a grace period for 10 days beginning the day the subscription was originally set to expire. Your previous All Stars Pass subscription will be resumed if you subscribe through your new OS within the grace period.