Emma Verde
CVMaria Sashide
A kind girl who is accepting of everyone, she’s always there to support her
She’s cheerful and easygoing, but showed initiative when she moved all the way
from Switzerland to study abroad due to her admiration for school idols.
- School Year3rd Year
- Birthday2/5 (Aquarius)
- Blood TypeO
- Height166cm
- BWHB92・W61・H88
Hello, I’m Emma. I came from the land abundant in nature, Switzerland.
Because of that, I really like mountains and forests and all kinds of things in nature. In my free time, I like to take walks in the forest or play in the river.
And–Oh yeah! I really like bread crusts!
Japanese bread crusts are so fluffy and buono! Just one bite sends my heart aflutter!
It’s the same with school idols. Just looking at them gets your heart soaring, doesn’t it?
That’s the reason I decided to become a school idol.
If seeing me put a smile on people’s faces and made them happy, I’d be in such bliss!
Everyone, let’s have a lot of fun together!